Missing Link Ep


Available on Vinyl
Mp3 Ep $2 

Wav Ep $4 

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Vinyl can be purchased @ Zwart Goud 
Record Store. 


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$2.50 Wav or Mp3 $1.50



$2.50 Wav or Mp3 $1.50



Melodies Of Ancient Beats Depth or Deep, (with Dep also meaning beautiful in Indonesian) is the meaning of this newly created persona from the artist DemoDc. After many years of experimenting with music making, releasing digital eps and albums, Demo has come to an end of a cycle arriving to a mature state of craftsmanship, ready to deliver his dream onto the vinyl medium.

SKU: HTAR 0D Categories: , ,


Destination celebrates the drum and bass genre with its own style reminiscent of Aphex Twin and Squarepusher. type programming. It fuse’s eclectic beats with a more common flow of bass licks that cruise throughout the track. With a more psychedelic presence this track offers a complexity of rich sounds that will encapsulate any avid lover of electronic music from the headphones to the dance floor. Bouncy and fun yet with deep exploration of ‘Abstract sounds’ bringing a serious edge, Destination is equipped for any explorer seeking any type of Destination.

Then comes Arrival.  Not an ordinary piece of music, with the artist expressing themselves from past musical influences, to curve their own piece of storytelling art, through audio sonic means.

An inner world reflective explanation can be as follows – An epic piece revealing the adventures of seeking depth, from ones dense conscious reality, tribal like mannerisms, traveling to a higher frequency of light and wonder, breaking through to the heart centre of ones own unique truth. By doing so, welding together the whole aspects of being, Arriving at ones own true balance of self. Reuniting with the dense tribal like self yet with a complete transformative understanding of life and self in relation to life as a whole.

Ones outer world of reflective explanation can be this – starting from earth, leaving the tribal terrains of earth based reality, exploring out into the cosmic wilderness, looking back from a distance, witnessing Earths magnificence and enigmatic beauty. Continuing to swim out to the depths of the galaxy to ‘Arrive” at an unexpected splendour unknown to the human consciousness ,to a cosmic giant….. giant what? This remains to be unseen! It’s left to the imaginators discretion of wonder within the experience of the audio sonic delights presented in,….. ‘Arrival’.

Artwork supplied by Gene Cundith.You can follow/contact Gene and his amazing creative gifts here @kaicundithart@gmail.com, Instagram: @kaio_ki, Facebook.com/genecundithart




Additional information


Full Ep Mp3 (320), Full Ep Wav (44/16)


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